The 536,870,912 byte (512×2 20 ) capacity of t...Image via Wikipedia

RAM - Random Acess Memory 
RAM is a volatile type of Memory i.e It loses its data if computer is turned off
everyone knows the above but the main fuction of its is someway as i describe with the human mind

For E.G

just keep your mind blank don't think of anything keep your mind blank now give a white colour to your blank mind's desktop now if i tell u not to think of elephant you will definately think of it now only take the elephant of your blank mind page after that minimize it not take another white blank mind page now  if i tell u not to think of dog you will definately think of it Now just cut the tail of dog it will not bleed now open the first minimize page and now cut the elephant's tail paste the dog's tail and attatch it to end of elephant where the elephant's tail is located that it now its looking too funny na now save the picture in your mind now erase the dog's tail now import a wild poisonous green snake and attatch it as a tail to elephant its definately look now save the picture
Now open the first picture you will smile now open the second picture you have no words

That's all guys how ram work it help in multi-tasking some how when on new page we opened dogs picture and before that we minimized elephants picture.
it won't forget unless and unless someone calls and disturb us if some one distub we forget thats how if no electric supply ram forgets and over unsaved data is lost
that's the work of ram remembering unsaved data
and recalling the same data some how i told u too open two pics which are saved in your mind
that's the meaning open RAM

the above pic is of ram's in desktop

the above pic is of ram in laptops


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