Apple iOS Beats All (Including Android) for Web Use Or Best Operating System at mobile to browse the web

Apple can pat itself as well as the iPad on the back for helping pull its iOS family into first place and ahead of Android for overall web use, according to SEO firm ROI365.
Analyzing data from four million unique visitors and multiple websites, ROI365 found that while Android users enjoy a slight "web visits" lead over Apple's iPhone, iOS flavor devices combined--including the iPad--give Apple the upper hand. That's not all: Apple's iOS ranks well ahead of the Android platform in percent growth since December 2010, too.
Note that's Android use and growth across all Android devices. And the iPhone by itself is only slightly behind those Android devices for web use share. Add the iPad and it soundly trounces Google's platform. ROI365 reports the iPad alone is "outgrowing the entire Android ecosystem," which "more than makes up for the iPhone deficiency plus some."
Shift to mobile application revenue growth and Apple's iOS App Store is growing 11 times faster than Android's for 2010. IHS Screen Digest reported in February that Apple's App Store held 82.7 percent market share, compared with 7.7 percent for Blackberry App World, 4.9 percent for Noka Ovi Store, and 4.7 percent for Google's Android Market. While Android Market grew by an impressive 862 percent (compared to the App Store's 132 percent), Apple's App Store revenue grew by $1,013 million, compared with Android Market's $91 million.
The report casts things in a rather different light, after yearlong tales of Android device sales catching up to and outpacing Apple's iPhone. It's another object lesson: The real money in this game's made off aftermarket purchases, be they accessories, service plans, or--more than ever, it seems--applications.

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