1 Ctrl + Shift + A AllCaps Makes the selection all capitals (toggle) 2 Alt + Ctrl + 1 ApplyHeading1 Applies Heading 1 style to the selected text 3 Alt + Ctrl + 2 ApplyHeading2 Applies Heading 2 style to the selected text 4 Alt + Ctrl + 3 ApplyHeading3 Applies Heading 3 style to the selected text 5 Ctrl + Shift + L ApplyListBullet Applies List Bullet style to the selected text 6 Alt + F10 AppMaximize Enlarges the application window to ful| size 7 Alt + F5 AppRestore Restores the application window to normal size 8 Ctrl+B Bold Makes the selection bold (toggle) 9 Ctrl + PgDn BrowseNext Jump to the next browse object 10 Ctrl + PgUp BrowsePrev Jump to the previous browse object 11 Alt + Ctrl + Home BrowseSel Select the next/prev browse object 12 Esc Cancel Terminates an action 13 Ctrl+E CenterPara Centers the paragraph between the indents 14 Shift+F3 ChangeCase Changes the case of the letters in the selection 15 Left arrow CharLeft Moves the insertion point to the left one character 16 Shift + Left arrow CharLeftExtend Extends the selection to the left one character 17 Rt arrow CharRight Moves the insertion point to the right one character 18 Shift + Rt arrow CharRightExtend Extends the selection to the right one character 19 Alt + Shift + C ClosePane Closes the active window pane (if you are in Normal View and have, for example, the Footnote pane open) 20 Alt+Drag (or press Ctrl + Shift + F8 and drag, but Alt + Drag is far easier!) ColumnSelect Selects a columnar block of text 21 Ctrl +Shift+C CopyFormat Copies the formatting of the selection 22 Shift + F2 CopyText Makes a copy of the selection without using the clipboard (press Return to paste) 23 Alt + F3 CreateAutoText Adds an AutoText entry to the active template 24 Ctrl+ Backspace DeleteBackWord Deletes the previous word without putting it on the Clipboard 25 Ctrl + Del DeleteWord Deletes the next word without putting it on the Clipboard 26 Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 DocClose Prompts to save the document and then closes the active window. (But doesn't intercept the menu command) 27 Ctrl + F10 DocMaximize Enlarges the active window to ful| size 28 Ctrl + F7 DocMove Changes the position of the active window 29 Ctrl + F5 DocRestore Restores the window to normal size 30 Ctrl + F8 DocSize Changes the size of the active window 31 Alt + Ctrl + S DocSplit Splits the active window horizontally and then adjusts the split 32 Alt + Shift + F9 DoFieldClick Executes the action associated with macrobutton fields 33 Ctrl + Shift + D DoubleUnderline Double underlines the selection (toggle) 34 Alt R, G DrawGroup Groups the selected drawing objects 35 Alt R, I DrawSnapToGrid Sets up a grid for aligning drawing objects 36 Alt R, U DrawUngroup Ungroups the selected group of drawing objects 37 Ctrl+Shift+F5 (Or: Alt I, K) EditBookmark Brings up the bookmark dialog 38 Del EditClear Performs a forward delete or removes the selection without putting it on the Clipboard 39 Ctrl+C EditCopy Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 40 Ctrl+X EditCut Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 41 Ctrl+F EditFind Finds the specified text or the specified formatting 42 F5, Ctrl+G EditGoTo Jumps to a specified place in the active document 43 Alt E, K EditLinks Allows links to be viewed, updated, opened, or removed 44 Ctrl+V EditPaste Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point 45 Alt E, S EditPasteSpecial Inserts the Clipboard contents as a linked object, embedded object, or other format 46 Alt + Shift + Backspc EditRedo Redoes the last action that was undone 47 F4 EditRedoOrRepeat Repeats the last command, or redoes the last action that was undone (unfortunately, doesn't work for as many commands in Word 2000 as in Word 97 and below, but this is still one of Word's most useful shortcuts, if not the most useful) 48 Ctrl+H EditReplace Finds the specified text or the specified formatting and replaces it 49 Ctrl+A EditSelectAll Selects the entire document 50 Ctrl+Z EditUndo Reverses the last action 51 Alt + PageDn (to select to end of column, use Alt + Shift + PgDn) EndOfColumn Moves to the last cell in the current table column 52 Ctrl+Shift+End EndOfDocExtend Extends the selection to the end of the last line of the document 53 Ctrl+End EndOfDocument Moves the insertion point to the end of the last line of the document 54 End EndOfLine Moves the insertion point to the end of the current line 55 Shift+End EndOfLineExtend Extends the selection to the end of the current line 56 Alt+End EndOfRow Moves to the last cell in the current row 57 Alt + Ctrl + PgDn EndOfWindow Moves the insertion point to the end of the last visible line on the screen 58 Shift + Alt + Ctrl + PgDn EndOfWindowExtend Extends the selection to the end of the last visible line on the screen 59 F8 (press Esc to turn off) ExtendSelection Turns on extend selection mode and then expands the selection with the direction keys 60 Alt + F4 (<9>) FileCloseOrExit Closes the current document, or if no documents are open, quits Word. Horrible command, as it makes it a long winded business to quit Word. But there's a simple solution - assign Alt+F4 to FileExit instead. 61 Alt + F4 (Word 97) FileExit Quits Microsoft Word and prompts to save the documents (does intercept the menu item, but not the keyboard shortcut, or the x button. An AutoExit macro is usually a better way of intercepting this). 62 NOT Ctrl+N!! FileNew Creates a new document or template (brings up the dialog). Note that: Word pretends that Ctrl+N is assigned to FileNew but it isn't, it's assigned to FileNewDefault You can fix this in Word 2000 by assigning Ctrl+N to the FileNewDialog command. In Word 97 the only way to fix it is to create a macro called FileNew (to do this, press Alt + F8, type "FileNew" without the quotes and Click "Create". The macro will automatically contain the code needed to make it work). 63 Ctrl+N FileNewDefault Creates a new document based on the Normal template. 64 Ctrl+O FileOpen Opens an existing document or template 65 Alt F, U FilePageSetup Changes the page setup of the selected sections 66 Ctrl + P FilePrint Prints the active document (brings up the dialog) 67 Ctrl+F2 FilePrintPreview Displays ful| pages as they will be printed 68 Alt F, I FileProperties Shows the properties of the active document 69 Ctrl+S FileSave FileSave 70 Alt F, A (or F12) FileSaveAs Saves a copy of the document in a separate file (brings up the dialog) 71 Ctrl+Shift+F Font Activates the Fonts listbox on the formatting toolbar 72 Ctrl+Shift+P FontSizeSelect Activates the Font Size drop-down on the formatting toolbar 73 Alt + Ctrl + K FormatAutoFormat Automatically formats a document (or sometimes, automatically screws it up) 74 Alt O, B FormatBordersAndShading Changes the borders and shading of the selected paragraphs, table cells, and pictures 75 Alt O, E FormatChangeCase Changes the case of the letters in the selection 76 Alt O, C FormatColumns Changes the column format of the selected sections (brings up the dialog) 77 Alt O, D FormatDropCap Formats the first character of current paragraph as a dropped capital (must select it first) 78 Ctrl+D FormatFont Brings up the Format + Font dialog 79 Alt + Shift + R FormatHeaderFooterLink Links the current header/footer to the previous section (but does not intercept the button on the Header Footer toolbar) 80 Alt O, P FormatParagraph Brings up the Format Paragraph dialog 81 Alt O, S FormatStyle Applies, creates, or modifies styles 82 Alt O, T FormatTabs Brings up the Format Tabs dialog 83 Shift + F5 GoBack Returns to the previous insertion point (goes back to up to 3 points, then returns to where you started; this is one of the most useful shortcuts of them all. Also useful when opening a document, if you want to g straight to where you were last editing it) 84 Ctrl + > GrowFont Increases the font size of the selection 85 Ctrl + ] GrowFontOnePoint Increases the font size of the selection by one point 86 Ctrl + T (or drag the ruler) HangingIndent Increases the hanging indent 87 F1 Help Microsoft Word Help 88 Shift + F1 HelpTool Lets you get help on a command or screen region or examine text properties 89 Ctrl + Shift + H Hidden Makes the selection hidden text (toggle) 90 Click on it HyperlinkOpen Connect to a hyperlink's address 91 Ctrl + M (or drag the ruler) Indent Moves the left indent to the next tab stop 92 Alt + Ctrl + M (or Alt I, M) InsertAnnotation Inserts a comment 93 F3 InsertAutoText Replaces the name of the AutoText entry with its contents 94 Alt I, B InsertBreak Ends a page, column, or section at the insertion point 95 Alt I, C InsertCaption Inserts a caption above or below a selected object 96 Ctrl + Shift + Return InsertColumnBreak Inserts a column break at the insertion point 97 Alt + Shift + D InsertDateField Inserts a date field 98 Alt + Ctrl + D InsertEndnoteNow Inserts an endnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the dialog 99 Alt I, F InsertField Inserts a field in the active document 100 Ctrl+F9 InsertFieldChars Inserts an empty field with the enclosing field characters 101 Alt I, L InsertFile Inserts the text of another file into the active document 102 Alt I, N InsertFootnote Inserts a footnote or endnote reference at the insertion point 103 Alt + Ctrl + F InsertFootnoteNow Inserts a footnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the dialog 104 Ctrl + K InsertHyperlink Insert Hyperlink 105 Alt I, D InsertIndexAndTables Inserts an index or a table of contents, figures, or authorities into the document 106 Alt + Ctrl + L InsertListNumField Inserts a ListNum Field 107 Alt + Shift + F InsertMergeField Brings up a dialog to insert a mail merge field at the insertion point. (It does not intercept the button on the Mail merge. toolbar) 108 Ctrl + Return InsertPageBreak Inserts a page break at the insertion point 109 Alt + Shift + P InsertPageField Inserts a page number field 110 Ctrl + Shift + F3 InsertSpike Empties the spike AutoText entry and inserts all of its contents into the document 111 Alt + Shift + T InsertTimeField Inserts a time field 112 Ctrl + I Italic Makes the selection italic (toggle) 113 Ctrl + J JustifyPara Aligns the paragraph at both the left and the right indent 114 Ctrl + L LeftPara Aligns the paragraph at the left indent 115 Down arrow LineDown Moves the insertion point down one line 116 Shift + down arrow LineDownExtend Extends the selection down one line 117 Up arrow LineUp Moves the insertion point up one line 118 Shift + up arrow LineUpExtend Extends the selection up one line 119 Ctrl + F11 LockFields Locks the selected fields to prevent updating 120 Alt + Shift + K MailMergeCheck Checks for errors in a mail merge 121 Alt+Shift+E MailMergeEditDataSource Lets you edit a mail merge data source 122 Alt + Shift + N MailMergeToDoc Collects the results of the mail merge in a document 123 Alt Shift + M MailMergeToPrinter Sends the results of the mail merge to the printer 124 Alt + Shift + I MarkCitation Marks the text you want to include in the table of authorities 125 Alt + Shift + X MarkIndexEntry Marks the text you want to include in the index 126 Alt + Shift + O MarkTableOfContentsEntry Inserts a TC field (but it is far better to use Heading Styles to generate your Table of Contents instead) 127 Alt or F10 MenuMode Makes the menu bar active 128 Alt + Shift + F11 MicrosoftScriptEditor Starts or switches to Microsoft Development Environment application, allowing you to view the HTML/XML source code that would be behind the document if it were in .htm format (or that is behind it if it already is in .htm format). 129 Alt + Ctrl + F1 MicrosoftSystemInfo Execute the Microsoft System Info application 130 F2 MoveText Moves the selection to a specified location without using the clipboard (press Return to execute the more) 131 Tab NextCell Moves to the next table cell 132 F11 NextField Moves to the next field 133 Alt + F7 NextMisspelling Find next spelling error 134 Alt + down arrow NextObject Moves to the next object on the page 135 Ctrl + F6 NextWindow Switches to the next document window, equivalent to selecting a document from the Window menu. 136 Ctrl+Shift+N NormalStyle Applies the Normal style 137 Ctrl + 0 OpenOrCloseUpPara Sets or removes extra spacing above the selected paragraph 138 F6 OtherPane Switches to another window pane in Normal View (for instance, if you have if you have a Footnotes pane open in Normal view and want to switch to the main document and back without closing the pane). 139 Alt + _ OutlineCollapse Collapses an Outline in Outline View by one level 140 Alt+Shift+rt arrow OutlineDemote Demotes the selected paragraphs one heading level 141 Alt + + OutlineExpand Expands an Outline in Outline View by one level 142 Alt+Shift+down arrow OutlineMoveDown Moves the selection below the next item in the outline 143 Alt+Shift+up arrow OutlineMoveUp Moves the selection above the previous item in the outline 144 Alt+Shift+left arrow OutlinePromote Promotes the selected paragraphs one heading level 145 Alt + Shift + L OutlineShowFirstLine Toggles between showing the first line of each paragraph only or showing all of the body text in the outline 146 Ins Overtype Toggles the typing mode between replacing and inserting 147 PgDn PageDown Moves the insertion point and document display to the next screen of text 148 Shift+ PgDn PageDownExtend Extends the selection and changes the document display to the next screen of text 149 PgUp PageUp Moves the insertion point and document display to the previous screen of text 150 Shift + PgUp PageUpExtend Extends the selection and changes the document display to the previous screen of text 151 Ctrl + down arrow ParaDown Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph 152 Shift + Ctrl + down arrow ParaDownExtend Extends the selection to the beginning of the next paragraph 153 Ctrl + up arrow ParaUp Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph 154 Shift + Ctrl + up arrow ParaUpExtend Extends the selection to the beginning of the previous paragraph 155 Ctrl+Shift+V PasteFormat Applies the previously copied formatting to selection 156 Shift + Tab PrevCell Moves to the previous table cell 157 Shift + F11 PrevField Moves to the previous field 158 Alt + up arrow PrevObject Moves to the previous object on the page 159 Ctrl + Shift + F6 PrevWindow Switches back to the previous document window 160 Sfift+F4 RepeatFind Repeats Go To or Find to find the next occurrence 161 Ctrl+Spacebar ResetChar Makes the selection the default character format of the applied style 162 Ctrl+Q ResetPara Makes the selection the default paragraph format of the applied style 163 Ctrl +R RightPara Aligns the paragraph at the right indent 164 Ctrl + * ShowAll Shows/hides all nonprinting characters 165 Alt + Shift + A ShowAllHeadings Displays all of the heading levels and the body text in Outline View 166 Ctrl + < ShrinkFont Decreases the font size of the selection 167 Ctrl + [ ShrinkFontOnePoint Decreases the font size of the selection by one point 168 Ctrl + Shift + K SmallCaps Makes the selection small capitals (toggle) 169 Ctrl + 1 SpacePara1 Sets the line spacing to single space 170 Ctrl + 5 SpacePara15 Sets the line spacing to one-and-one-half space 171 Ctrl + 2 SpacePara2 Sets the line spacing to double space 172 Ctrl + F3 Spike Deletes the selection and adds it to the "Spike" AutoText entry (which allows you to move text and graphics from nonadjacent locations) 173 Alt + PgUp StartOfColumn Moves to the first cell in the current column 174 Ctrl+Shift+Home StartOfDocExtend Extends the selection to the beginning of the first line of the document 175 Ctrl +Home StartOfDocument Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the first line of the document 176 Home StartOfLine Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line 177 Shift+Home StartOfLineExtend Extends the selection to the beginning of the current line 178 Alt+Home StartOfRow Moves to the first cell in the current row 179 Alt+Ctrl+PgUp StartOfWindow Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the first visible line on the screen 180 Shift+ Alt+Ctrl+PgUp StartOfWindowExtend Extends the selection to the beginning of the first visible line on the screen 181 Strl + Shift + S Style Activates the Style drop-down on the Formatting toolbar 182 Ctrl + = Subscript Makes the selection subscript (toggle) 183 Ctrl + + Superscript Makes the selection superscript (toggle) 184 Ctrl + Shift + Q SymbolFont Applies the Symbol font to the selection 185 Alt A, F TableAutoFormat Applies a set of formatting to a table 186 Alt A, H TableHeadings Toggles table headings attribute on and off 187 Alt + click (Alt + drag to select several) TableSelectColumn Selects the current column in a table 188 Click in left margin TableSelectRow Selects the current row in a table 189 Alt + double-click TableSelectTable Selects an entire table 190 Alt + Ctrl + U TableUpdateAutoFormat Updates the table formatting to match the applied Table Autoformat settings 191 Shift + F9 (Alt + F9 toggles all field codes on or off) ToggleFieldDisplay Shows the field codes or the results for the selection (toggle) 192 Alt T, C ToolsCustomize Allows you to customizes the Word user interface (menus, keyboard and toolbars) and store the customizations in a template (defaults to Normal.dot, so be careful!) 193 Alt + F8 ToolsMacro Runs, creates, deletes, or revises a macro 194 F7 ToolsProofing Checks the spelling and grammar in the active document 195 Ctr.l + Shift + E ToolsRevisionMarksToggle Toggles track changes for the active document 196 Shift + F7 ToolsThesaurus Finds a synonym for the selected word 197 Ctrl+U Underline Formats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle) 198 Ctrl + Shift + T (or drag the ruler) UnHang Decreases the hanging indent 199 Ctrl + Shift + M (or drag the ruler) UnIndent Moves the left indent to the previous tab stop 200 Ctrl+Shift+F9 UnlinkFields Permanently replaces the field codes with the results 201 Ctrl + Shift + F11 UnlockFields Unlocks the selected fields for updating 202 F9 UpdateFields Updates and displays the results of the selected fields 203 Ctrl + Shiift + F7 UpdateSource Copies the modified text of a linked file back to its source file 204 Hover over comment ViewAnnotations Show or hide the comment pane 205 Dbl-click the endnote reference ViewEndnoteArea If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the endnote (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the endnote or vice versa 206 At + F9 ViewFieldCodes Shows the field codes or results for all fields (toggle) 207 Dbl-click the footnote reference ViewFootnoteArea If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the footnote (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the footnote or vice versa. 208 Alt V, F ViewFootnotes If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing footnotes and endnotes (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the footnotes/endnotes or vice versa. 209 Alt V, H ViewHeader Displays header in page layout view 210 Alt V, N (or Alt + Ctrl + N) ViewNormal Changes the editing view to normal view 211 Alt V, O (or Alt + Ctrl + O) ViewOutline Displays a document's outline 212 Alt V, P (or Alt + Ctrl + P) ViewPage Displays the page more-or-less as it will be printed, and allows editing (In Word 2000 the menu item is called Print Layout, but fortunately the command hasn't changed. 213 Alt + F11 ViewVBCode Shows the VB editing environment (Tools + Macro + Visual Basic Editor) 214 Alt + left arrow WebGoBack Backward hyperlink (useful if you clicked on a page number hyperlink in the table of contents and then want to return to the TOC) 215 Alt + rt arrow WebGoForward Forward hyperlink 216 Alt W, A WindowArrangeAll Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles 217 Ctrl + left arrow WordLeft Moves the insertion point to the left one word 218 Shift + Ctrl + left arrow WordLeftExtend Extends the selection to the left one word 219 Ctrl + rt arrow WordRight Moves the insertion point to the right one word 220 Shift + Ctrl + rt arrow WordRightExtend Extends the selection to the right one word 221 Ctrl + Shift + W WordUnderline Underlines the words but not the spaces in the selection (toggle) |
221 microsoft word shortcuts
some hidden tricks in windows XP (some of them work in vista and 7 )
1) Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)
2) Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe
3) Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)
4) Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)
5) DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)
6) Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)
7) IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)
8) Microsoft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).
9) Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).
10) ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)
11) Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).
12) System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )
13) Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).
14) Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).
15) Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).
16) Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).
17) File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe
18) Volume Control = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).
19) System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).
20) Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented but it appears to encrypt all passwords, I'm not sure of the full implications).
21) Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet.exe
22) Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe (seems to be a utility for monitoring the actions of drivers, might be useful for people having driver problems. Undocumented).
23) Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe (appears to be an old NT utility to allow chat sessions over a LAN, help files available).
Bootable USB Windows XP/ Vista/ Win 7 Maker
A Software which helps to create bootable USB of XP/ Vista/ Windows 7 in just few easy steps.
A Tool for Installing Windows for your Netbooks, Notebooks, or Desktop from a USB Flash Drive.
How to setup Windows XP SP3 from USB drive, Step by step instructions
Step #1: Prepping BartPE
First we’ll prep the USB drive we’ll be using for booting. This is by far the largest step in the process, though it shouldn’t be difficult for anyone to follow. It requires a functional Windows system.
1.Download BartPE builder from
2. Install BartPE. We’ll be assuming that you install to C:\pebuilder.
3. Start PE Builder from the Start Menu. Point “Source:” to the location of your Windows XP setup files containing SP3.
4. Make sure the “Output:” is set to “BartPE”.
5. Set “Media output” as “Craete ISO image” and filename as “c:\pebuilder\pebuilder.iso”
6. Hit “Build”.
7. When it’s done building, image file “c:\pebuilder\pebuilder.iso” should be created properly
Step #2: Creating bootable USB
1. Satrt UltraISO.
2. Choose ‘File’->’Open’from main menu and open file “c:\pebuilder\pebuilder.iso”
3. Choose ‘Bootable’->’Write disk image’ from main menu
4.Insert the USB drive you intend to boot from
5. Choose proper “Write Method”,USB-HDD+ is recommanded
6. Hit “Write” to get a bootable USB drive
7. When it’s done, copy the Windows XP setup files to the USB drive. Please note that you’ll only need the i386 folder.
Step #3: Configuring the BIOS
You should now reboot and go into the BIOS configuration to boot from USB. Instructions for doing so wildly from system to system, but generally entail the following:
1. Reboot the system.
2. While booting (before Windows starts loading), get into the BIOS configuration screen by hitting something like F1, F2, Delete or Escape. Hotkey instructions are generally provided on the screen.
3. Go to the section that contains your boot devices.
4. With your USB drive plugged in, the USB drive should be listed. If it isn’t, your system might not support booting from USB. Assuming that it is supported (as is the case with virtually all modern hardware), promote your USB drive to the primary boot device.
5. Exit from the BIOS configuration, saving all changes.
If you’re completely new to BIOS configuration, BIOS for Beginners over at Tom’s Hardware might be a good primer. Be aware though, that you can seriously screw up your system by providing incorrect settings!
Step #4: Booting into BartPE
Assuming that you properly configured your BIOS and your USB device supports booting, BartPE should now load. Depending on the speed of your USB device, this may take a while.
If it isn’t working, then double-check the following before making a scene:
• Is your BIOS properly configured for booting from the USB disk? (Is the USB device listed and does it have top priority?)
• Have you correctly prepared the USB disk in step two? (Restart the procedure.)
• Does your USB stick properly support being booted from? (Try another one!)
Step #5: Preparing the Hard Disk
You need to make sure that your hard drive is partitioned and formatted properly. Especially if you’ve had Linux or some other operating system on it, you’ll need to repartition and format it. BartPE contains DiskPart for disk partitioning and A43 File Manager to format your drive.
This procedure will destroy any data on the hard drive.
To repartition:
1. From the Go menu, navigate to DiskPart.
2. Enter the commands needed to repartition your drive. For example, try the following: select disk 0 (select the first disk), clean (purges the entire drive, essentially resetting it), create partition primary (creates a single partition from the entire disk), assign (assign the partition a drive letter), exit (quits DiskPart).
This procedure will destroy any data on the hard drive.
To format:
1. From the Go menu, navigate to the A43 File Manager.
2. Right-click on the target drive (e.g. C
and click Format. Should be self-explanatory.
Step #6: Launching Windows XP Setup from USB
With your drive all ready, you can now launch the Windows XP setup with a few custom parameters. Let’s assume that the files are available at X:\i386.
1. Run the following command:
X:\i386\winnt32.exe /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /makelocalsource /noreboot
Note: Replace “/tempdrive:C:” with the drive which has enough space to hold windows setup files, you may change the partition which you want to install Windows to at next step #7.
2. Proceed with the installation. When asked to convert the installation volume to NTFS, answer No. The setup program incorrectly believes that your USB drive (which is formatted as FAT) needs conversion.
3. The setup program will then silently close, which might make you think that something went wrong. Don’t worry though.
Step #7: Continue Windows XP Setup from Harddisk
1. Reboot your system
2. Unplug USB drive during post stage
3. Change your BIOS setting back to boot from hard disk again as needed
4. You can now continue to finish setting up Windows XP.
First we’ll prep the USB drive we’ll be using for booting. This is by far the largest step in the process, though it shouldn’t be difficult for anyone to follow. It requires a functional Windows system.
1.Download BartPE builder from
2. Install BartPE. We’ll be assuming that you install to C:\pebuilder.
3. Start PE Builder from the Start Menu. Point “Source:” to the location of your Windows XP setup files containing SP3.
Quote:Note: “Source:” is drive letter of your physical CD/DVD-ROM drive which is holding XP SP3 setup CD, a virtual drive mounted with XP SP3 ISO works as well
4. Make sure the “Output:” is set to “BartPE”.
5. Set “Media output” as “Craete ISO image” and filename as “c:\pebuilder\pebuilder.iso”
6. Hit “Build”.
7. When it’s done building, image file “c:\pebuilder\pebuilder.iso” should be created properly
Step #2: Creating bootable USB
1. Satrt UltraISO.
2. Choose ‘File’->’Open’from main menu and open file “c:\pebuilder\pebuilder.iso”
3. Choose ‘Bootable’->’Write disk image’ from main menu
4.Insert the USB drive you intend to boot from
5. Choose proper “Write Method”,USB-HDD+ is recommanded
6. Hit “Write” to get a bootable USB drive
7. When it’s done, copy the Windows XP setup files to the USB drive. Please note that you’ll only need the i386 folder.
Quote:If no errors occured in the above process, you should now be all set to boot from USB!
Step #3: Configuring the BIOS
You should now reboot and go into the BIOS configuration to boot from USB. Instructions for doing so wildly from system to system, but generally entail the following:
1. Reboot the system.
2. While booting (before Windows starts loading), get into the BIOS configuration screen by hitting something like F1, F2, Delete or Escape. Hotkey instructions are generally provided on the screen.
3. Go to the section that contains your boot devices.
4. With your USB drive plugged in, the USB drive should be listed. If it isn’t, your system might not support booting from USB. Assuming that it is supported (as is the case with virtually all modern hardware), promote your USB drive to the primary boot device.
5. Exit from the BIOS configuration, saving all changes.
If you’re completely new to BIOS configuration, BIOS for Beginners over at Tom’s Hardware might be a good primer. Be aware though, that you can seriously screw up your system by providing incorrect settings!
Step #4: Booting into BartPE
Assuming that you properly configured your BIOS and your USB device supports booting, BartPE should now load. Depending on the speed of your USB device, this may take a while.
If it isn’t working, then double-check the following before making a scene:
• Is your BIOS properly configured for booting from the USB disk? (Is the USB device listed and does it have top priority?)
• Have you correctly prepared the USB disk in step two? (Restart the procedure.)
• Does your USB stick properly support being booted from? (Try another one!)
Step #5: Preparing the Hard Disk
You need to make sure that your hard drive is partitioned and formatted properly. Especially if you’ve had Linux or some other operating system on it, you’ll need to repartition and format it. BartPE contains DiskPart for disk partitioning and A43 File Manager to format your drive.
Quote:If you are sure that your hard drive is set up properly (i.e. it has only run Windows, it contains a valid FAT or NTFS partition) then you can safe yourself the hassle and skip this step.
This procedure will destroy any data on the hard drive.
To repartition:
1. From the Go menu, navigate to DiskPart.
2. Enter the commands needed to repartition your drive. For example, try the following: select disk 0 (select the first disk), clean (purges the entire drive, essentially resetting it), create partition primary (creates a single partition from the entire disk), assign (assign the partition a drive letter), exit (quits DiskPart).
This procedure will destroy any data on the hard drive.
To format:
1. From the Go menu, navigate to the A43 File Manager.
2. Right-click on the target drive (e.g. C
Step #6: Launching Windows XP Setup from USB
With your drive all ready, you can now launch the Windows XP setup with a few custom parameters. Let’s assume that the files are available at X:\i386.
Quote:Plugging in a device now won’t work. Remember that all USB devices will need to be plugged in right from the start while using BartPE.
1. Run the following command:
X:\i386\winnt32.exe /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /makelocalsource /noreboot
Note: Replace “/tempdrive:C:” with the drive which has enough space to hold windows setup files, you may change the partition which you want to install Windows to at next step #7.
2. Proceed with the installation. When asked to convert the installation volume to NTFS, answer No. The setup program incorrectly believes that your USB drive (which is formatted as FAT) needs conversion.
3. The setup program will then silently close, which might make you think that something went wrong. Don’t worry though.
Step #7: Continue Windows XP Setup from Harddisk
1. Reboot your system
2. Unplug USB drive during post stage
3. Change your BIOS setting back to boot from hard disk again as needed
4. You can now continue to finish setting up Windows XP.
Second Hard Disk making Computer Slow
The Problem:-After installing a second hard disk in my computer as slave and it has started running slower.
Cause:-This happens if the drive is in PIO mode or,if the cabling is incorrect.
Open Control Panel>System
1Open Device Manager.
2.Double-click IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers to display the list of controllers and channels.
3.Right-click the icon for the channel to which the device is connected, select Properties, and then click the Advanced Settings tab.
4.In the Current Transfer Mode drop-down box, select DMA if Available if the current setting is "PIO Only."
Also Check the cabling is correct (And a master drive should be on the end connector - any slave in the middle). Now in Device Manager, select the master controller - just above Primary Channel and Action; Uninstall. Then OK, reboot for PnP to try over.
Cause:-This happens if the drive is in PIO mode or,if the cabling is incorrect.
Open Control Panel>System
1Open Device Manager.
2.Double-click IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers to display the list of controllers and channels.
3.Right-click the icon for the channel to which the device is connected, select Properties, and then click the Advanced Settings tab.
4.In the Current Transfer Mode drop-down box, select DMA if Available if the current setting is "PIO Only."
Also Check the cabling is correct (And a master drive should be on the end connector - any slave in the middle). Now in Device Manager, select the master controller - just above Primary Channel and Action; Uninstall. Then OK, reboot for PnP to try over.
Blank Device Manager (solved)

The Problem:-When you open device manager,you get nothing.It's totally blank.
Cause:-If Plug and Play service is either off or disabled then it may happen.Plug and Play Service enables a computer to recognize and adapt to hardware changes with little or no user input. Stopping or disabling this service will result in system instability.
Scroll down to Plug and Play service>Double Click on it>Make the StartUp type -Automatic>Click Ok/Apply.>Now reboot the system.
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