Firefox 5 Arrives 21 June, Firefox 6 on August 18 So keep updating it on these dayz

Firefox 4 has just been released a few weeks back and from initial impressions, it appears that users have slowly started returning. The most noticeable feature is the improved performance. As initially planned, Mozilla will in fact be releasing new versions of Firefox. The next version, Firefox 5, is expected to launch on the 21st of June this year. Firefox 6 will follow later on the 18th of August.
The next major release happens soon
The next major release happens soon

The first alpha builds of Firefox 5 will be released sometime next week and the ones for Firefox 6 will be out in May. Similar to Google’s Development and Canary builds, Firefox Alpha builds will be called Aurora. These will be auto-updated and there will also be a separate icon to denote the separate build. Close to a million users will start using the Aurora builds. Mozilla has plans to release Firefox 7 by the end of this year as well.



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